Sunday, April 10, 2011

From the Market: Wild Honey Flowers


While at the Grand Lake Farmer's Market today I noticed more and more veggie vendors who were selling many of the edible flowering blossoms of their popular vegetable counterparts - zucchini flowers, dill flowers, broccoli rabe flowers. 
But these flowers in particular caught my eye; the girl at the stand said they were Wild Honey Flowers. Never heard of them before - the blossoms didn't smell particularly sweet, but actually a bit onion-y and tangy. I assumed, with the look and texture of the stalks and stems, that I would treat it like a green onion - a suggestion that was also mentioned by the farmer vendor and another shopper. Planning to toss these with my scrambled eggs in the morning, but intend to omit the flower completely. Any other suggestions?...

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