Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tuscan Kale Chips

Ingredients: Tuscan kale, olive oil, kosher salt

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Also known as Dinosaur kale (because of the bumpy, smooth texture), Tuscan kale has a very earthy and slightly bitter flavor compared to its Curly kale cousin (which is much sweeter).  But when you roast these at a low heat, 250F, for about 30 mins, they get incredibly crispy and crunchy and addicting! You will need to cut off the central vein/stem for the larger leaves because they just get tough and inedible. Coat the leaves very very lightly in olive oil - do not overdo it or else it'll get soggy - and a sprinkle of salt and pop them in the oven.

I promise, these will disappear very quickly, even if you aren't a kale lover; an entire bunch from the market can easily be gone in one sitting. 

Recipe courtesy of Bon Appétit magazine [February 2009].


  1. Yes! Finally, another way to eat kale. I seem to always have leftover kale after I use a whole bunch for a soup or a salad and it always ends up going in the trash.

  2. ok.....attempting this right now with its "Curly kale cousin". Hope its good.
